Taking care of a pet’s health and well-being is very important. Pet insurance can help give you peace of mind that you can cover most or all of your pet’s treatment costs due to a sudden illness or accident. Emergency care for a pet can be very expensive. 24 Hour care can cost over $1000 per day. Surgeries can also cost thousands of dollars. Add in aftercare and recovery and it can become quite a financial burden. Consider pet insurance so that you do not have to stress about financial issues while worrying about the health of your beloved pet.
Various pet insurances cover different treatments and may offer different rates based on the cover required. Most policies do cover unexpected illness or accidents. We can assist in helping you find a pet insurance that meets your needs. There are pros and cons to sort through including percentage of costs covered, claim excess amounts, age restrictions, annual limits and exclusions of pre-existing illness. Then there is the cost of the policy itself and your budget. We can offer advice help you find a policy that suits your budget and your needs as best as possible.