Before and After Surgery
- Make a booking for your pet for the desexing
- Wash dogs the day prior to surgery as they cannot be washed until stitches are removed
- Do not feed after 10pm on the day before and no water after 8am the next morning
- Expect a thorough examination which may include blood tests before surgery
- If an IV is needed during surgery, your vet will usually discuss this prior to the operation
- Your pet will be administered pain relief before and after the surgery
- Try and keep your pet calm and comfortable until the anaesthesia have worn off completely
- At home, try and keep them calm and relaxed to allow for healing
- Offer small amounts of food and water on the night after surgery
- Ensure they have a clean bed and general environment to avoid infection
- Administer medication as per instructions
- Check the incision twice daily for disruption or infection (discharge, bleeding, redness, swelling etc.)
- Contact your vet immediately if there are any issues as they may not resolve on their own
- Prevent licking or chewing on the wound as this can have serious repercussions (fit a cone if needed)
- Return to the vet for removal of stitches and check-up on the date required.